About CareComp

CareComp insures exclusively Alabama nursing home facilities for statutory workers compensation benefits and employer's liability exposures. CareComp currently has participating members of approximately 100 nursing homes in the State of Alabama. CareComp does not mass market this program; rather, this program is strictly underwritten for membership participation to ensure that risks are appropriately insured from facilities that have demonstrated internal control and safety mechanisms to minimize losses and exposures.

What’s important to note is that the programs are strictly focused on Alabama nursing home loss preventions, and the losses are not comingled with other industry risks prior to declaration of dividends, which is what occurs in most other pools operating in the State of Alabama.   

The funding philosophy is to adequately cover the risks with the least dollar in and implement effective cost containment claims management so that the most dollar out in the form of dividends can be obtained.


CareComp is governed by a six member Board of Trustees, who are Alabama nursing home owners. These Board chairs are on a rotating term basis and each rotating term chair is filled by the CareComp participating members' election and voting process at the annual Alabama Nursing Home Association convention.

The philosophy of the Board of Trustees is to guarantee that all programs and all program decisions have the direct input of all owner members participating in this program. This encompasses input from the owners or their designated representatives in regards to all decisions in regards to settlements, settlement levels of authority as well as decisions to litigate and appeal. The Board of Trustees of CareComp requires the input of the facility's owner prior to any submission by the claims staff for settlement authority on any claim (the Board of Trustees approves every settlement after the owner of the concerned facility has had an opportunity to review the proposed settlement and provide the owner's input into the settlement proposal).


R. Frank Brown, Jr., Chairman

John R. (Bobby) Chapman, Jr.
Alexander City

Bill R. Hatley

Eddie Jackson

Claude Lee

John L. Wallace



CareComp was founded in 1993 as a direct result of the nursing home owners operating in the State of Alabama desiring to control their own destiny as well as to control the return of capital or premiums as a result of the owners' effective control of their facilities' workers compensation cost and exposures.

Profitability and Returns/Dividends

CareComp has been profitable every year since its inception and CareComp has given back, in cash, to the participating members $29, 858,111.  This represents a 24% dividend return to its members. This is one of the best dividend return percentages of any group association pool operating in the State of Alabama. Our 2010/2011 Balance Sheets are available here.

Most funds do not give back the profits in cash; rather, they give back the profits as discounts, and those discounts are listed on the annual billings.  CareComp gives back the dividends in cash, and those dividends are timed so that the effective listing of the distributions provides effective cost reporting to various agencies.

Third Party Agency

CareComp currently utilizes Millennium Risk Managers as its third party administrating company, to handle the claims process, claims payment systems, program implementations etc. all under the direction of the CareComp Board of Trustees. Millennium Risk Managers is Alabama owned and operated and has acted in this capacity as "TPA'" since 1993.